I am amazed that it is already September and that this month is already passing its halfway point! The three months that have passed since June 12, 2010 have been marked with the most incredible journey of my life. Time has flown by and it only seems to be passing faster.
Every morning that I wake up, I am filled with an excitement for what each day holds. Every appearance with which I am blessed reveals something new about this great state. Every community I visit teaches me how to be a better Alabamian. Every person I meet has a unique and distinct story. Alabama has a remarkable history that inspires a culture and a diversity unlike any other I have ever seen. I live in a city deemed "The Magic City" and I can attest to the magical spell cast on me by this great state.
So I have created this journal to share not only my experiences as Miss Alabama 2010, but the lessons I have learned from those I meet along the way. I hope you will take this journey with me and feel free to share your journey with me.
Thanks for sharing......look forward to keeping up with you.